
Red Sunstone Teardrop



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Red Sunstone Teardrop



As the name would suggest, Sunstone exudes the radiant warmth, life force, and implacable positivity of the sun. A stone of leadership, Sunstone brings about independence, originality, and conscious clarity which can bring healing to the workplace and in relationship. It is also loved for its ability to lift the mood, purify negative energy, and expand ones ability to hold a nurturing and warm energy.

Our *new* Teardrop-style pendants reveal an elegant, angular pattern, only visible within the diagonal cross-section of specifically-shaped Pinecones. Due to the beautiful, diverse patterns displayed on both the front and back of these unique pendants, we’ve photographed both sides of these truly “reversible” new designs!

First created 7 years ago, we’ve waited to offer these pendants because they require a rare shape and symmetry of Pinecone, and are much more challenging to create. However, after ongoing requests from friends and family, we’ve created an initial “Trial Batch” of Teardrops to share with our broader Pinecone Family.

Every pinecone pendant is an elegant gift from Mother Nature -- unveiling the ornate Sacred Geometry hidden at the center of one of the world's densest Pinecones. Because only one cross-section is taken from the "heart" of each Cone, every pendant is absolutely unique, and truly one-of-a-kind.

This uniquely hand-crafted pinecone pendant is the exact one you will receive.

Size: Small