Yellow Tiger's Eye with Silver 64 Star Tetrahedron



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Yellow Tiger's Eye with Silver 64 Star Tetrahedron



Traditionally carried as a protective talisman to ward off ill will and curses, Tiger's Eye is thought to combine the grounding (yin) energy of the earth with the higher vibrational (yang) energy of the sun, facilitating heightened intuition and awareness without losing one's root. It is associated with clarity, focus, and differentiation – assisting in accomplishing goals, recognizing one's inner resources and promoting refinement of intention. It also integrates the two hemispheres of the brain, enhances visual acuity, and is especially helpful for resolving difficult dilemmas and internal conflicts.

This Pinecone has been imprinted with the 64 Star Tetrahedron, cast in Sterling Silver. Envisioned as a 3-dimensional model of the I Ching, an ancient set of oracular Chinese Hexagrams, this emblem symbolizes the Creator, or the Great Void – the fundamental pattern that creates all matter.

Every pinecone pendant is an elegant gift from Mother Nature -- unveiling the ornate Sacred Geometry hidden at the center of one of the world's densest Pinecones. Because only one cross-section is taken from the "heart" of each Cone, every pendant is absolutely unique, and truly one-of-a-kind.

This uniquely hand-crafted pinecone pendant is the exact one you will receive.

Size: Small