Rhodochrosite with Gold Cube of Metatron



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Rhodochrosite with Gold Cube of Metatron



Reputed to be an excellent stone for the heart and relationships, Rhodochrosite assists in all aspects of giving and receiving love. As such, people are often drawn to this stone when they desire to open their hearts to deep connection. It is also highly desired for its ability to balance emotions, and can be used to gently facilitate the processing of trauma and old wounds.

This Pinecone is adorned with a 24k Gold emblem of the Cube of Metatron. Comprised of all five of the Platonic Solids that form the building blocks of matter in the Universe, Metatron’s Cube is present in many of the ancient mystical teachings of the world. It also represents the transformation from 2 to 3 dimensions, and as such is useful as a tool for creation and manifestation.

Every pinecone pendant is an elegant gift from Mother Nature -- unveiling the ornate Sacred Geometry hidden at the center of one of the world's densest Pinecones. Because only one cross-section is taken from the "heart" of each Cone, every pendant is absolutely unique, and truly one-of-a-kind.

This uniquely hand-crafted pinecone pendant is the exact one you will receive.

Size: Large